I ended my last post by saying that I had two runs lined up, now it is time to let you know how it all turned out…
Sunday the 29.09 I ran 5k test run with the juniors who ran to qualify for the national squad. My goal was to pace 3.30 which would give me a finish time of 17.30. I am normally not that good at pacing, as I often get carried away, run too fast in the beginning and then dies. But we were a small group of 4-5 that fitted very well in level, after 1k I took the lead and managed to set pace and it ended up with dead race between 3 of us and a finish time of 17.17.
The new PB gave a good bit of confidence for yesterdays ½ Marathon. My goal was to run sub 1:24 and I had a dream that it would be closer to 1:20 than 24. With good inspiration from Boss Rasmus Henning, that ran 1:12 in Skagen ½ Marathon Saturday, I mixed the numbers a bit and won the race in 1:21:17 🙂 (Guess 17 is my lucky running number at the moment)
We had perfect conditions for the race yesterday, the wind was as mild as it gets at the west coast, we had sunshine and good support from all the locals – also the ones with 4legs 😉
My original plan was to try and run the 21k progressive, but that did not really happen! I had company my two men the first 3k, one ran with me to 10k but we ran too fast in the beginning to increase the pace for real. But staying with the pace was even too much for him, so I ran home alone and was the first to cross the finish line. I am very happy about the result, and most important does it give me an idea of what to aim for when I race next time.
The last two Sundays has proven the feeling I have of being back in good shape, I have one race left for the season, Ocean/Lava ½IM on Lanzarote the first weekend of November, I am looking forward to defend my title! …and as always to race on my favorite island.